Hats off to Heartland Worship Center from Paducah, KY for the ministry they did this week. They orked at Gap’s, Director’s house, putting in a bathroom. The tile work looks really good and the house is one step closer to being finished. The warehouse and Elk Ridge are looking good due to all of the moving and rearranging that Heartland helped us with. Distribution day was a blast. Along with sharing the gospel, they fixed their famous hamburgers with all of the trimmings. Delicious!! They also had a luncheon for some folks at Weeksbury and minister to them with a devotion and some special gifts.
Times Square Church Mission Trip 2013
Times Square Church from NY ministered throughout the community, from playing Bingo with the seniors at the McDowell/Minnie Senior Citizens to preparing a luncheon for the local pastors in appreciation of what they do. BeansTalk enjoyed homemade chili and cornbread as they ministered on Tuesday to the clients that came in. The kids at Weeksbury enjoyed pizza, puppet show, face painting, and balloons while sharing the gospel. They also shared music, song and dance with our folks at the group home. Our community is always blessed by the love of Christ when they come to Floyd Co, Ky. Thank you.
KidStock 2013
“KidStock 2013 may have been the best we have ever had,” said co-founder Angie Wagoner. 424 children may have showed up for a backpack full of school supplies, but they received so much more this year at GAP’s back-to-school celebration.
As families arrived, they were grouped into clusters that moved together through the event. First, each child received a backpack full of grade-appropriate school supplies. Next, they heard a Bible story and saw a skit presenting the Gospel message. Then they moved to a room where every child sat in a chair and had their feet washed while being told the story of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. The children heard how Jesus came to serve and to save. After their feet were washed, they were given a brand new pair of shoes. Words cannot describe how excited some of these kids were with their shoes.
Throughout the day families enjoyed playing carnival style games. Many children had a hard time choosing what prizes to get with the tickets they had won playing the games. We also had plenty of free food throughout the day. Many families came early and stayed until late in the afternoon.
What a wonderful day! The Word of God and the Gospel was shared throughout this event in various ways. We were excited this year to have Chris Sullivan who is a former professional wrestler with us. Several times during the day he shared the Gospel message and his testimony of how God changed his life. At the end of the day, 8 adults and 4 children made professions of faith in Jesus Christ. One lady recommitted her life to grow in her relationship with Christ. Several others raised their hands but we were unable to get their personal information.
This is what GAP is all about. Meeting people at their point of need – this time it was a need for school supplies and shoes – and sharing with them the love of Jesus Christ.
KidStock 2013 was such a success because of our many partners like you. 101 volunteers from seven different churches and the Left Beaver Fire Department helped on the actual day. However, there were hundreds of others who sponsored a child, donated supplies and prayed for this event. Thank you all for your partnership, support and prayers. God truly blessed this event in a mighty way. Please join us in giving praise to the Father!
Furniture Sale 2013
For the last few years, GAP has had an annual furniture sale for our clients. Monday, August 19th was this year’s sale. It was a huge success in spite of the rain we had in the morning. Sunday evening we had 2 large moving trucks and a large trailer pull into GAP full of new and gently used furniture. We are grateful to our partnering churches in GA, Smoke Rise Baptist Church and First Baptist Church Augusta, for all the furniture they provided. Burnout victims were allowed to select items for an entire house free of charge, while other clients could purchase 3 items at low prices. The finances generated by this sale go into a special fund to help clients in emergency situations.
The day was filled with families finding items that they were in need of, but it was one of the last clients that God sent on Monday that really touched all of our hearts. This client was a grandmother raising four of her grandchildren who is in need of mattresses. They did not have enough beds for the kids to sleep on and had no furniture in the living room to sit on. Unfortunately,by this time in the day, we did not have any mattresses left to give her. However, we were apple to provide her with a sofa/sleeper, recliner and a couple other chairs. This family was so appreciative. They threw their arms around our necks and would hardly let go of Brenda and Kathy while all the time saying, “Thank you, thank you! All we can say is thanks be to God! For He is Jehovah Jireh! It is He who provides!”
Once again thank you to all who donated furniture in GA and the men from Smoke Rise Baptist Church who worked all day loading furniture into the vehicles of some happy clients. A special thanks to the three staff members of Immanuel Baptist Church in Lexington, KY who came in for a visit of GAP and worked as personal shoppers during this event.
Smoke Rise Baptist Church Ladies’ Mission Trip
We had an exciting and blessed week with a group of 9 ladies from Smoke Rise Baptist in Stone Mountain, GA. They came with a heart to serve and spread the Good News and that they did. Several of our clients and folks in the community received hair cuts, homemade hand cream, made scarfs from T-Shirts and handed out gift bags for the men and women.If that wasn’t enough they blessed our services in McDowell with a visit. Thank you ladies for a job well done.
Small Team With A Big Servant’s Heart
First Baptist Church Augusta from GA may have had a small team but they came with a big servant’s heart to serve here in Eastern KY. Not only did they bring furniture and other items for one of the best sales that GAP has had, they helped a family of five by doing underpinning for their trailer. The underpinning will help to keep their home warm and reduce some cost on their heating bill. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus this week at GAP.
John Morris Named Interim Director
Board Statement
Dear Friends and Partners of GAP,
Please join us in welcoming Rev. John Morris as the interim Executive Director of God’s Appalachian Partnership (GAP). John will be beginning work immediately and serving alongside Lynn to ease to the transition in the final weeks of the Wagoners tenure.
John and Shaughanessy Morris are NAMB appointed missionaries of the South Baptist Convention. John serves as pastor of Lothair Baptist Church and Regional Missions Mobilization Consultant for the Kentucky Baptist Convention. He is a graduate of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Masters in Missiology. John and Shaughanessy have been married for 15 years and have two children: Jacob (13) and Jhaughanessy (11). John can be reached at john.morris@gapky.org.
If you have any questions about the process please don’t hesitate to contact us (GAPdirectors@gmail.com) and we will do our best to get you the information that you need. We will continue to send out regular updates as this progresses through email and on the GAP website (www.gapky.org).
We are deeply grateful for your continued prayers and support for us a board and the organization as a whole. You remain a key part of the partnership as we spread the Gospel here in Eastern Kentucky.
Here to serve,
Danny Bauer
President, Board of Directors
God’s Appalachian Partnership
A Note From John Morris
It is with great humility and honor that I accept the Board’s invitation and the Lord’s call to serve as the interim director of GAP. Lynn and Angie have became great friends of ours as we have co-labored with them in the Lord’s ministry. I have seen firsthand how the Lord has used GAP to touch many lives with His love. I ask for your prayers and continual support of the Lord’s ministry during this time of transition. I am excited about the future of GAP because we rest assured that the ministry’s founder, God, will continually guide and direct His work.
A Note From Lynn Wagoner
Angie and I are excited with the Board’s choice for interim director. John and his wife, Shaughanessy have been a longtime friends. John has been involved with GAP since 2000. He has been instrumental in directing group to partner with GAP. He assisted GAP with flood relief, counseling for our clients and finding resources for the distribution center. We joined forces during several youth events including a mission trip. He led a Bible study in our home. He and Shaughanessy planned and hosted GAP’s 2012 staff retreat. John served as our supervisor while we served as MSC missionaries for the North American Mission Board. He encouraged in difficult times and celebrated our joys with us. During our time of working together, God built a friendship for which we are truly grateful. We confidently pass the baton to John, knowing that GAP will be directed by a proven leader and a godly man.
A Story of Generosity
Dawsonwood Mission Camp and the people who made it happen
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV
Over the past fourteen years, God has used many different people to support the ministries of GAP. This support has come in many shapes and forms — financial contribution, donation of equipment, food, diapers and the list goes on and on.
Our friends Steve and Alicia Dawson are successful business owners in McDowell. They set a great example for giving back to the community. They provide services as well as precious employment with excellent wages. They are generous with their possessions and quite charitable with their money. They have provided scholarships to the Autism School, housing for exchange students, sponsorship for school and community events and have loaned their personal vehicles for youth trips and other activities.
GAP has been the beneficiary of their generosity on many occasions. We are still using the 2001 Ford F-350 that was donated in 2002 with only 34,000 miles. Most of those miles were from picking up loads of food for GAP. The truck came after the purchase of the warehouse. One third of the purchase price was given to GAP by Steve and Alicia.
Years ago, Steve approached Lynn concerning a piece of property. There were several ideas for the property and at one point, Lynn offered the land back to the Dawson’s because it didn’t seem as though anything we planned for it would work. Steve was confident that the Lord intended for GAP to have the land and that He would use it somehow, someway.
Today, the Servant’s Heart Lodge sits on that property as well as the Dane Sanderlin Pavilion and a tool shed. Countless volunteers have stayed there as they worked in this and surrounding communities. Because two people were willing to give, many others have been able to serve. Only God knows the eternal impact that has been and will continue to be made because two people were willing to give. Steve had a saying, “You can’t out-give God.”
In honor of Steve and Alicia Dawson, the property was named Dawsonwood Mission Camp in 2007, when the Lodge was dedicated. The sign has been in the works for several months and was recently completed. May God’s blessings continue to abound on the Dawson family and on all who stay in the Servant’s Heart Lodge.
A Christmas Legacy
How one man’s passion for the Gospel inspires The Christmas Project
Christmas is always an exciting time at GAP. Bill Stephenson’s presence at the Christmas Store made it all the more exciting. Bill came to share more than toys, although he was ready and willing to help any parent. His goal was that everyone would leave the warehouse knowing Jesus Christ and His gift of salvation. Bill was adamant that he take the bag of toys to the car. That gave him a chance to talk in a calmer setting than the sometimes noisy warehouse. No one in Bill’s care left without prayer. At least ten parents made professions of faith as a result of his faithfulness to share.
Bill’s passion for winning the lost was not exclusive to GAP. He was actively involved year round in a truck stop ministry as well as Haven of Rest and supported PEL (Praying Effectively for the Lost) Ministries. He served as a deacon at Union Baptist Church.
The memory of Bill’s example still inspires our volunteers today. Two years after the tragic murder of Bill and his wife, Peggy, it is impossible to think of the Christmas Store and not think of Bill. His name and face has become synonymous with the Christmas Store for those who witnessed him in action. At the time of his death, the family asked that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to a fund that would be divided among Bill’s ministries. Even after his death, Bill continued to give to the Christmas Store, providing many gifts for the children with the portion of donations given to GAP.
Last Christmas we wanted to do something to honor Bill’s dedication and to remind us all that we need to carry on his passion to reach the lost for Jesus. The Christmas Store has always been housed in the GAP warehouse. Today we proudly display the warehouse’s new name: Stephenson Christmas Store.
Several of Bill’s family members have also volunteered at the Christmas Store including his daughter, Beth Stephenson-Victor, his son and daughter-in-law, Tom and Angie Stephenson. Beth sent this in an email on behalf of the family, shortly after seeing a picture of the sign, “While carrying on Bills’ legacy, the family learned of the name change as we ministered to the people at GAP last Christmas. While Dad was not one to draw attention to himself, we know he would be very humbled by this recognition and the family is very moved and honored that GAP will continue to recognize his contribution to the wonderful people in McDowell.”
New Work Fellowship Lives Faith
Note: New Worked served from July 7-12, 2013
New Work Fellowship (Hopkinsville, KY) ministered to an elderly lady in the community by installing a roof on her home. The lady’s family appreciated the help so much that they fed the team a hot lunch each day. During Tuesday distribution the team served the clients through fellowship, food and crafts. They then visited the group home and blessed them with crafts and fellowship.